Ellen L. Walker.


childfree resources

www.vhemt.org ~  The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement:  This site promotes the concept of living long and dying out.  According to the site, phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.

www.childfree.net ~ book reviews and websites on the childfree lifestyle. 

www.happilychildfree.com ~ an up-to-date site that discusses the subtypes of childfree adults and provides a list of resources for those in each category. 

www.childfreebychoice.com ~ a childfree online community with lively forums, member blogs and articles sharing personal experiences as well as advice.

www.idonotwantkids.com ~ the world’s only childfree dating site. 

www.nokidding.net  ~ this group has been around for years, promoting social opportunities for singles and couples who don’t have kids. 


Newsweek: July 7-14, 2008:  Having Kids Makes you Happy by Lorraine Ali

MSN Money: Raising your quarter-million dollar baby by MSN Money staff

Cornell University Science News: Parents put in a full day’s work raising two children—triple the time experts had previously estimates by Susan Lang May 9, 1997

Washington Post Tuesday November 28, 2006: Childless: Some by Chance, Some by Choice: I Lost a Baby—and Found a Community of Women Who Won’t Be Mothers by Nancy Rome

NY Times February 5, 2009: Till Children Do Us Part by Stephanie Coontz

NY Magazine July 4, 2010: All Joy and No Fun: Why parents hate parenting by Jennifer Senior

The Observer February 8, 2009: Why I don’t want children by Polly Vernon

Mother Jones June 2010: Who’s To Blame for the Population Crisis? 


A Selfish Life by Marisol Schowengerdt  (www.aselfishlife.com) ~ A Selfish Life is a fictional, semi-autobiographical novel, which tells the story of four women trapped in a world of painful choices regarding pregnancy and children, and their decisions are driven by each of their unique circumstances, reasoning and religious beliefs. 

Two is Enough: A Couple’s Guide to Living Childless by Choice by Laura Scott ~ Two is Enough is filled with interviews of couples who chose to not have kids.